Saturday, February 25, 2012

Another portraitbyShep nears completion, Bob Shepherd

Great news! This is my first blog entry since I was juried into the Artists of Texas. Artists of Texas is part of Contemporary Fine Art International. Please check out their websites at, and

This portrait is getting very near completion. The subject of the commission has scheduled a sitting for next week. With a little luck and a lot of painting we'll have it finished soon. Again, if you recognize the lovely lady, don't tell her husband how beautiful she is in the painting. The portrait is a surprise. This painting is, of course, SOLD!


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About Me

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My name is Bob Shepherd, but when I paint I'm known as "Shep". I love to paint people. Happy people. Sad people. People dancing. People in contemplation. Old people. Young people. Lately I've gotten into painting new things and I'm enjoying the challenge. Flowers and still life's have been fun. My blog is here to show you what I'm doing and how I'm doing it. If I'm doing your commission you can follow the progress of your "PortraitbyShep". If you'd like me to do your portrait please notify me through the blog. Please enter your email above and I hope you enjoy the blog. Shep

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