Thursday, May 31, 2012

Shep's "Jelly Beans" has a title!

The focal point of "Jelly Beans" is the flowers, but everyone who's looked at this painting has said "Those jelly beans look good enough to eat!".  So the people who've seen it named it.  The canvas is now covered and is in the "Dead Color" stage.  This stage is most obvious in the flower where I've used almost exclusively Alizarin Crimson and Titanium White, and Ultramarine Blue and Titanium White, with only a few touches of Winsor Orange.  When I get back from vacation the painting will be dry and I'll glaze it and finish the painting.

Question of the day.  Who can find my signature?


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My name is Bob Shepherd, but when I paint I'm known as "Shep". I love to paint people. Happy people. Sad people. People dancing. People in contemplation. Old people. Young people. Lately I've gotten into painting new things and I'm enjoying the challenge. Flowers and still life's have been fun. My blog is here to show you what I'm doing and how I'm doing it. If I'm doing your commission you can follow the progress of your "PortraitbyShep". If you'd like me to do your portrait please notify me through the blog. Please enter your email above and I hope you enjoy the blog. Shep

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