Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Shep starts a new painting

Here it is! My second floral painting. I'm almost finished with the drawing and this has been a hard one to draw. About half way through drawing all those jelly beans I wished Donna just put out a Snicker. Floral painting number 1 won a Best Floral award so this one has a high bar to top. I don't have a clue as to what to call it. Any ideas?

I took the photo in our dining room before a party. The light was just perfect as the light from our small tower windows raced across the room. The picture was completely gone a minute after I snapped this one, so I'm very happy with what I have to work with.

And one last request! If you know the lady in the portrait I just finished, REMEMBER, it's a SURPRISE for hubby!


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My name is Bob Shepherd, but when I paint I'm known as "Shep". I love to paint people. Happy people. Sad people. People dancing. People in contemplation. Old people. Young people. Lately I've gotten into painting new things and I'm enjoying the challenge. Flowers and still life's have been fun. My blog is here to show you what I'm doing and how I'm doing it. If I'm doing your commission you can follow the progress of your "PortraitbyShep". If you'd like me to do your portrait please notify me through the blog. Please enter your email above and I hope you enjoy the blog. Shep

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